Sunday positive: Veteran’s Day. For those who served I thank you. Welcome home. For those who wanted to serve but could not. Thank you. For those who served holding memories that haunt you, you are released. For those of you who grieve your lost brothers and sisters. I grieve with you. My dad, Normand Hatt was Navy. His brother, my biological father Staff Sgt Melvin Lewis Hatt was Navy officer and U.S Army Ranger. Brothers. Jeremy Hatt, 101st Airborne chopper pilot. Ron Cathy Rowe, Carol Corts, Carol Reid, Valerie Christine, Jeannette Strand, Michelle Renee Rincon, David Green, David Cranfill, Herb Owen, George and Russel Owen, Richard Scutt, Dick Scutt and so many more.
Totally inappropriate post: Burn my Flag? Make sure you are rolled up in it when you do.