What a day! Bob Cornell and I were headed north camping before a band gig with Brenda Loomis band.
I got the notification from a friend (Gary) that the article for Stars and Stripes by Pentagon reporter Caitlin Kenney had been published today. Http://stripes.com With accompanying video. It’s amazing!
This mission, this passion is not about me. It’s about 93 US Army Rangers who deserve the honor of being on the Vietnam memorial Wall in DC. It’s about honoring the 11 crew members who perished with them.
I didn’t start this journey alone. So many families have tried. None of them failed. We have been met with denials, excuses, threats and secrecy Boilerplate BS.
When I started this AGAIN, I took a different approach after a lot of research, prayer and asking myself How Do WE get this done?
When we get this done, and we WILL, the accomplishment belongs to every family who had loved ones aboard Flight739-14-1962.
My sister Sherri Owen and I are but one.